Greg Bahr:Daily Travels Through Time and Space

Greg Bahr is an artist living and working in Fort Worth, Texas. His work explores routine, repetition, and pattern. Using images based on daily repetitive movement, he creates work that looks at patterns and routine in human behavior such as those that occur in ones daily tasks, whether its at work, driving, or home.

The repetitive and banal nature of most of these tasks allows them to be dismissed in ones overall scope of life, yet account for a large segment of it. Using repetitive, zen-like processes such as screenprinting helps to mimic these tasks while transforming their pathways or images visually.

EXHIBITION DATES: January 3, 2019 - January 26, 2019

“Daily Travels” will feature screen painted and sculptural works on paper. Each piece is a meticulously created visualization of the artist’s everyday routine. Every task in life creates a path, and Bahr’s work explores the patterns left by seemingly mundane journeys and aim to create something beautiful and meaningful out of them.